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Week 7

We have everything ready for the 1.0 release of the game, so we focused on bug fixing, revising deliverables, adding code documentation and updating whatever is necessary so the project accurately matches the concrete architecture, including variable names and method names.

Furthermore, we have also refactored our deliverables more, working on the requirements where we removed requirements that weren’t as relevant anymore, and improved the introduction.

For the documentation team, the main goal was finishing the risks as well so this required communication with the development team ensuring that we covered as many relevant risks as we could.

In addition, we also planned to improve the graphics, aiming to make it look more like what we have planned for the release version.

Other miscellaneous things included:

  • Sound design
  • AI development
  • Improved HUD

gantt chart

Collision demo

Meeting 10 (17/11/2020)

  • Caught up on our individual work
  • Assisted in dealing with an implementation issue in choosing UI


Quentin, Rhys, Dragos, Sam

Meeting 11 (19/11/2020)

  • Brought everyone up to speed on the current state of the game
  • Planned each member’s work on documentation
  • Considered what each team member could do to improve the game


Bowen, Dragos, Quentin, Rhys, Sam