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Risk assessment

Deliverable (.pdf)

Table of contents
  1. Risk assessment
    1. Risk method justification
    2. Risks

Risk method justification

We have identified risks that we believe are relevant to this project by going through a number of sources.

  1. Researching general software development risks.
  2. Discussing with other people who have had previous experience.
  3. Discussing hypotheticals amongst ourselves and evaluating them.

We have chosen to deliver this in a tabular format. There are 6 defined columns for each risk. The first column being each risk’s unique ID. The second column is the type of risk. The third column is a brief description of the risk. The fourth column is the likelihood of that risk occurring on the following scale:

  • Low - Very unlikely to happen, with a minuscule chance of occurring.
  • Medium - It could happen or not, depending on the mitigation taken.
  • High - Very large chance of occurring, and common.

The fifth column is the severity of the risk, so how much damage it could cause. This is on a scale of:

  • Low - Not much damage, a couple of hours work at most. Not worth reporting
  • Medium - A week of work, this could affect internal deadlines. Group members would be informed to recover swiftly.
  • High - A large sum of work or all of it is affected. Project deadline is affected. Group members and teaching staff informed to resolve.

The seventh and final column is the ownership of the risk. They will be held responsible for managing and mitigating that risk.

Our risk ownership is determined by who is most likely to experience that risk and who could help mitigate the risk.

Our risk assessment has been updated continuously since we have started this project. With it being reviewed every fortnight. Ensuring that the risks were still relevant even with a change in scope or if new risks have been identified.


ID Type Description Likelihood Severity Mitigation Owner
1 Project Loss of work due to corruption or human error Low Medium Frequent creation of backups both internally and externally All
2 Project Loss of a team member Low High Have a backup for everybody’s role (high bus factor) All
3 Product Game engine limitations Medium Medium Focus on simple mechanics that meet the requirements All
4 Product and Project Requirement changes Low Medium Have a flexible code that we can change easily All
5 Product Unavailable documentation for the libraries Medium Low Use a popular library with lots of tutorials online All
6 Product Difficulty in creating graphic assets Medium Low Use simplistic art-style and/or look for assets online All
7 Difficulty in finding a fitting soundtrack Low Low Settle for non-copyrighted music from online sources All  
8 Project GitHub servers become unavailable Low High Store files across a variety of platforms, including google docs and local copies All
9 Product Difficulty implementing the project architecture Low Medium Build a clear architecture and help team members to implement the project in a simple and straightforward manner through code reviews All
10 Product Player controls don’t work as expected Medium Medium Properly test the implemented features Dragos
11 Product UI becomes pixelated when scaled up Medium Low Implement the UI using a different format Sam
12 Product AI doesn’t behave as expected Medium Low Consider every possible scenario and do lots of testing, also getting reviews from other team members Dragos
13 Product The game map does not properly fit the game screen Medium Low Properly study and understand the different scales we need to use, based on aspect ratio and resolution Dragon, Quentin
14 Product UI fails to react to the events in the game in a timely manner Low Low Collaborate with team members to ensure code is optimized, and use a different format if necessary Sam
15 Product Collisions do not work as expected Medium Medium Make sure the physics properties of each body are correct, so the interactions between them don’t affect other features Dragos
16 Product Transitions between game stages don’t work Medium Medium Keep the UI classes and the game classes separate so each feature is independent and merging is easy Dragos, Sam
17 Product Boats don’t recognise they are outside of the lanes so they don’t get penalised Low Medium Implement an easy way of checking if the boat is still withing the lane boundaries Dragos
18 Business Difficulty acquiring the right software to develop the game Low Medium Search around different valid combinations of software that could be used to develop the game All